episode nineteen

Resources mentioned:

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

All About Love by bell hooks


What are some ways to redefine connection in a time of physical separation at holidays?
— Anonymous caller
When we’re separate in the earthly plane - and also in cosmic planes of people who aren’t here anymore - food is such a simple, basic but profound way to connect to other people. Making the same things, doing the same rituals, maybe you pick a way to set up your altar that’s the same, pick these twigs, rocks, plants, herbs on this day.
— Marlee Grace

What’s the best way to stay open, positive, and curious when things are difficult?
— Anonymous caller
One way to stay open and curious and positive is to not try to overly build yourself up. Stay in the mundane a little longer. What are the maintenance things that carry you through the day to day tasks? Invite playfulness in. Part of it is inviting yourself to get curious - the awareness is part of being curious. For me it’s like, if I’m not in curiosity I’m usually in extreme judgment. I’ve made a judgment on an experience, a person, my own feelings, and so I think inviting more pause into the day to be like, okay, I’m in a judgement zone and I’d like to shift to curiosity, I think you’ll find that’s a habit worth building and I think you’ll be able to build it. Adding playfulness to your creative practice, a hobby, taking some risks in your creative practice.
— Marlee Grace

My question is about fear, the fear and unmanageability that comes in relationships, fear that if we let go of the control of managing our relationships they will fail.
— Anonymous caller
Reading bell hooks’ writing has transformed how I think about love and connection and just how it all works and comes together. I definitely have found that my partnership feels a lot more abundant when I can fully detach with love and trust Jackie’s experience as correct for her. When I do that, I get to live and experience my life, which is separate from her. As you’re navigating how to be in less obsession, especially during Covid times when we’re so together with our partners, roommates, platonic partners, family - it’s helpful to focus energy on the self, on your individual truth so it can influence the others, not so that they’re so enmeshed into one.
— Marlee Grace